Tuesday, October 21, 2008

YouTube Clapp for the Community

I just subscribed to the WMRLS Blog (Western Massachusetts Regional Library System), and I got this YouTube video Clapp for the Community. It's about ten minutes long, and its focus is how many different type people of all ages use the Clapp Library in Belchertown for a variety of services: computers, reading, programs, homeschooling, homework, a place to come, history, etc. The video interviewed and showed all different types of people of all ages using the library for different services: computers, reading, programs for children and adults, homeschooling, homework, a place to come, and historical research. It also emphasized the friendliness of the staff. In addition, it showed how the library is need of expansion so it can provide better service to its community, especially with a growing population. I thought it was clever to entitle it Clapp (like clap) for the Community although I was worried people wouldn't find it on YouTube, because it doesn't list Belchertown or Library in the title, but when I did a word search just under Belchertown it comes up, and has library in the first sentence. I think it is another excellent way to get the word out to the community about the library, and the need for financial support for expansion.

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